Monday, 2 May 2011

Number 12 - Meadowsweet

After my vacation, I have returned to hopefully create more frequent posts. I may not be able to post daily due to upcoming exams however.

Filipendula ulmaria is used for its pleasant taste and smell in things such as wine and beer. It is a remedy for diarrhea. If the plant is prepared to be drunk as a tea, it helps soothe flu symptoms.

However, due to it's chemical make up which is similar to aspirin, it can induce symptoms of asthma.

As previously mentioned, it can be taken as a tea, the plant can be eaten as is, or it can be used as a pleasant pot pourri around the home.

Meadowsweet Tea. (Source Unknown. Product of Phytovie) 


  1. Does all that with very little known side effects? That's amazing!

  2. Interesting stuff. I've never really been into the whole herb thing, but I'll be checking back to learn some stuff.

  3. Does it also work like aspirin? Some nice anti-headache tea!

  4. Not going near anything you can get symptoms of asthma from :<

  5. One of the sideeffects of aspirin is headache.... Hope this one isn't like aspirin. Green Tea is the best!

  6. I've never heard of it... but I like all sorts of tea so I'll keep my eyes peeled!

  7. never heard of that but sounds like i could use some
